Marketing Fundamentals

Marketing Fundamentals

Marketing Fundamentals

Cost: Free

Duration: 90 minutes

Course Format: Game

Language: Available in English or French

Device Compatibility: Computer (optimal), tablet

Category: Marketing, sales and export

Level: Basic

Author: BDC

In this engaging game you will learn the fundamentals of marketing by participating in a car rally across Canada. You will race against four other entrepreneurs. Along the way, you will learn about how the other entrepreneurs have marketed their business and come to understand key marketing concepts. As you successfully complete the challenges, you will collect fans and money. The entrepreneur with the most fans at the finish line wins!

At the end of each leg of the race, you will have the opportunity to reflect on what you’ve learned and how you can apply it to your business. During your journey, you will enjoy several short videos that will deepen you understanding of how to best market your business. You can also download and fill out a handy marketing journal that will be helpful when you work on your marketing plan.

This game covers the following topics:

  • Understanding your customers
  • Identifying your competitive advantage and brand
  • Setting your marketing objectives
  • Determining your strategies and tactics and planning your marketing budget

NOTE: To have the best learning experience, we recommend you do this course on a computer with the latest version of Google Chrome or Firefox and a strong Wi-Fi connection. 

Enroll for free and enjoy many benefits:

  • stop anytime and save your session
  • easily resume your course
  • keep your course history
  • win awards and badges
