The Business Model Canvas (BMC) 101: A Mini Lesson

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) 101: A Mini Lesson

Cost: Free

Duration: 10 minutes

Course Format: E-learning

Language: Available in English or French

Device Compatibility: Computer (optimal), tablet, smart phone

Category: Business strategy and planning

Level: Basic

Author: BDC

This micro learning explains the Business Model Canvas (BMC): a one-page overview of your business model which is divided into nine essential building blocks. It helps you and your stakeholders gain a deeper understanding of the value your business provides to customers and employees, as well as the key activities and suppliers involved in delivering that value.

Note: To have the best learning experience, we recommend you view this course on a computer with the latest version of Google Chrome and a strong Wi-Fi connection. If you decide to view this course on a mobile device, we recommend you use Google Chrome.

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